Fraction Magazine (Issue 78, September 2015): Apparition
Summer Love Blog (September 10, 2012): 13 Questions, Jena Ardell
The Verge (August 19, 2012): Why Do So Many People Love These Photos of Unmade Beds?, Jeff Blagdon
American Photo (August 8, 2012): Behind the Notes—Unmade Beds, Dan Abbe
Andrew Sullivan's The Dish (March 17, 2012): Poem for Saturday
Flavorwire (March 14, 2012): The Curiously Addictive Photos of Unmade Beds, Judy Berman
Beautiful Decay (March 13, 2012): Joseph Gerhard and the Art of Unmade Beds, Diandra Mintz
Images Found (January 3, 2012), Levi Wedel
Photo-Eye Bookstore: Mill River